Our Ultra Flexible short term Membership

Discover our flexible and affordable short term membership, suitable for few days.

Do you want a private office for the day?
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Discounts are available for Students.
↳ Apply for a discount

Want to try before you sign up?
↳ Book your free trial today

Frequently asked questions.

  1. Can I try before I join?

    Our free trial option is no longer available. Due to high demand we decided to stop this practice, in order to assure best possible experience to our members.

  2. How do I access the office?

    The access to the office is managed by state of the art control system. You will get access after we confirm your order. The access code is visible in your profile.

  3. Can I pause my membership while not in town?

    This type of membership is not pausable. It will expire after the specified period.

  4. Do you offer 24/7 access?

    Yes, we do offer 24/7 access.

  5. How do I earn loyalty points?

    Our loyalty points are being given once your order is completed. You can use your points to discount your future orders. Points are active for 1 year.

  1. Where can I see my door passcode?

    The passcode is unique for each member and is visible on My account page

  2. Do I get instant access?

    Once we aprove your order, the system will automatically add the visits on your account page. After that you will need to manually select which day you want to visit the coworking.

  3. Can I cancel a visit?

    Yes you can, as long as there is enough time. If there is any other emergency, please let us know and we wil refund you the day.

  4. Can I upgrade while on this membership?

    Yes, the unused days will be added on top of your new plan.

  5. How do I get a Nestwork Voucher?

    Unique Nestwork voucher is sent once your order is complete. The voucher can be used for in-house services. (meeting room booking / others). The voucher for prepaid plan does not reset each month. The voucher for the recuring payment is resetting each month/s. Flexi membership does not grant any nestwork vouchers.

Important notice

  1. The prepaid plan is available for 3 months. 
  2. The 30 visits must be used within 3 months period.
  3. This membership cannot be paused and resumed. So make sure you plan your visits properly. 
  4. The network voucher will be credited to your account once the order is complete.
  5. The Voucher is not recurring. 
  6. You need to activate your day of visits in your Nestwork Profile before you enter the coworking.
  7. You cannot send packages to the office when you are signed up for this membership. Sending packages might result additional fees. 
  8. You can use the visits only for week days